listen to me joe rogan, this bit stinks dawg im tellin you

0  2019-07-16 by ichise8


not only did war hero joe swat away 6 subs, he swatted the humor along with it. yeesh, folks

war hero joe wins again! also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

Stop it, Ichise.

If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. Your bit had it's time. That time is over. Now I, unlike many here, I believe in you. But you can't keep turning in the exact same book report and expect more and more A's.

Step your game up my n-person.

even when used possessively, "its" does not contain an apostrophe, folks. its somewhat of an exception to the rule, chum. the only time "its" has an apostrophe is when it is used as a contraction of "it is". this is one of the more common mistakes out there, folks.

this has been a golden grammar gift from grammar gary. also, opie is a coprophilic pedophile

Shut up, stupid

Your bit had it's time.

your bit had it is time. grammer gary doesnt take guff, pal. nice try wit da hate tho

Nothing but sucking anuses makes sense to you, pal.

Ichise8 drinks baby diarrhea

Are you a woman? The amount of attention you crave is almost like that of a woman.

im merely a truthsayer, pal, nothing more.

Even less I my estimation