Goddamn. That guy who roasted Joe really fucking nailed us. It really hurt me on such a deep level that I'm ashamed to be a part of any of this. It's made me rethink everything.

20  2019-07-15 by JoeCumiasFryingPan

He called us "a bunch of screen-named miscreants."

It's that kind of hurtful language that's tearing this great nation apart.


Look on the positive side: everything that was joked about will fester in Joe's mind. No way he doesn't think he owes payback to a guy telling him he drives like a drunk housewife or that everyone there obviously knows about Joe's "war with reddit" and are laughing at how embarrassing that is for an old man.

Also Joe wasn't laughing during the Reddit part. He was genuinely upset and frustrated. Poor boy.

Okay well now, check this out: first of all, you're throwin too many big words at me. Because I don't understand 'em; I'mma take 'em as disrespect. Watch your mouth, and help me with the sale.


But if you go back and warch the tape, all those boomers actually do laugh when he mentions Joe's wars with Reddit.

My theory is that these are the people who actually read Joe's bullshit.

These are his followers.

These are the people who he tells his one sided stories to.

These are the people who believe him.

Long Island trash don't have critical thinking skills.

Also, you're right, Joe DOES look EXACTLY like Uncle Fester from Addams Family. I predict a whole new avenue of continued abuse.

That guy sounded more on our side than anything.

That "guy" is Dennis "Mothershuck" Farrell, Chief Anthony Cumia Ballwasher Since Day One

That old fatso was a lot funnier than Nana.

Haha, we do have screen names. Don't we, gang?