Anybody remember laughter? I mostly gave up on stand up, but Colin says Jeselnik is great. Good discussion here.

11  2019-07-15 by billdipshitbellamy


His special is alright.
This clip is great. Like a blend of Borat and Nathan For You.

It’s not bad. Certainly the most entertaining thing Comedy Central has produced in a long, long time.

Jeselnik is great, but it’s awkward watching Colin praise someone. I don’t like married Colin. He seems too happy. The obese, bitter, depressed hermit traumatized by the end of Tough Crowd is the Colin I prefer.

That did stand out. But he busted Jeselnik's balls a couple times, like he used to on Tough Crowd if someone said the topic was stupid.

Jeslenik has a quick line that I tell to gauge reactions and see who’s worth talking to: “My uncle runs a camp for kids who are about to be molested”

Jeselnik is a funny guy with bad taste in women.

He's good but the last special was nowhere near the previous two.

There was a joke in jesslniks last special I thought was great "I've never seen my dad hit my mom.. I mean he was quick." niggas ribs

He puts his faggot boots on at the end. He cloaks his "That isn't acceptable humor" a lil bit, but at the end of the day he's still a Hollywood nancy.

Maaaaan. He’s not edgy enough.