Real ass kid of the week

103  2019-07-15 by Single_Action_Army


Oh man it's only going to get more depressing for that fag once his kid gets older and abandons him (as he should)

Kids need a father figure, not a queen screeching over drape runners and doing the John Wayne walk every morning.

"Well I guess that makes me a faggot then, pilgrim."

"How about you shove that vibrating egg in my ass, pilgrim"

I feel like this is the story of everyone here

The Day My Son Posted My Picture On An Opie and Anthony Subreddit With The Caption "FAGGOT".

Does this mean Opie is my daddy?

Dude my dad is like 70 but if I called him a faggot I would have seconds to live

Good man. Thank him for his service

I will

you can't beat up a 70 year old?

This guy is a bad motherfucker dude

Plus I don't beat my own father up, I'm not black, stupid


Truth hurts.


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Bad bot. You’re also a nigger.

I can't speak for anyone else here but my father fucked women unlike the author of this story who only fucks men and most likely adopted the kid or had a surrogate give birth

This will only result in this faggot brainwashing him extra hard now.

You mean molesting him, right?

This guy traumatizes

aka how homos procreate

That's just what they call it now

I'm sure he made his kid feel terrible because of it. Poor little mug is disgusted, and with good reason

Gays with Kids, contributor


Joe didn't want to sign his name

Yeah because it'd mean he'd have to parent

The idea of the author being bullied by a 10 year old kid like he is in grade school again brings me a lot of joy

I called him a "#@%$ cause that's what he WAS!


I can’t handle it anymore, it’s all too absurd

I fucking love this kid

This kid needs to start a GoFundMe. I'd donate.

He likes dick that makes him gay, and this HuffPost article makes him a faggot.

On the bright side, at least this guy brought his kid up right.

I got a gay friend although he's a big of a cunt so I don't see him often, but once in a big group of people I started telling one of my famous anecdotes involving the word "faggot" and right as I started saying it, my eyes locked with his, and boy did I let THAT die on the vine quickly.


Nice anecdote, stupid

Thanks I knew you guys would appreciate a glimpse into my home life

I hope our next glimpse involves you and a toe trigger.

And a puddle of AIDS!!!

The kid wasn’t lying

Gays with Kids sounds like one of Patrice’s alternate titles for NAMBLA.

This story is coming from an actual faggot though so it's not about some kid pushing the limits with parents. Its like a mom saying my kid called me a woman!

Alternative title: The Day My Fleshlight Called Me A 'Faggot'

I just can't believe a gay father's kid might be having some issues. I wonder how that happened?

This kid is a perfect child.

They hug then he taught the son how to swallow

Truly an inspirational "Coming of age" story. Five stars for this young man!

That healthy eating kick where he told the kid "you are what you eat" turned out to be a mistake.

You mean people that write for HuffPo have been called "faggots" in their lives? Whaaat?! WHAAAAAAT?!

"You can talk! You can talk! You can talk! 40 years ago I'd have a road flare stuck up your ass with with the word sodomite written on your fucking forehead! Throw his ass out! He's a faggot, he's a faggot he's a faggot" - Kid to his liza minnelli ass dad.