5 jump chump...aka faggot.

11  2019-07-15 by varamyr6skin


If that graphic depicted Joe he would only be carrying the other soldier to get him in optimal dick sucking range

What a fag.

He had to do star jumps at 5am and peel spuds until sun down. It's a bond between men you wouldn't and could never understand.

wouldn't and could never understand.

Joe can't understand it either, stupid old man.

points at 22nd airborne cap

us VETS only talk about our vast experiences between OTHER vets, not anonymous PUSSIES online!! You all have absolutely no effect on me. Now who wants to fight me?

Dick Winters is faggot and the 506th were a bunch of child molestors.

Whataya think of that, you bovine fuck.

Nice grammar, stupids

Man I’d love to watch my Vietnam paratrooper uncle smack the dog piss out of joe

My father was in the military for 9 years, did 2 tours of duty in Vietnam, and has spoken about it with me for a total of less then 5 minutes my entire life. Joe spent a few years peeling spuds during peacetime before getting a dishonorable discharge for buggery and can’t stop shouting about it on any platform available.

What a douchebag