Reminder: 2 Guys who don't drink were on Bar Rescue

62  2019-07-14 by MonsterSteve


Looks like fun night out. No women or booze and they are the only ones that can stand to be around each other

Jim misunderstood the name and thought it was a hard-hitting Intervention type show where a respected elder statesman of the recovery community (like him) goes in a bar and "rescues" the poor afflicted souls from their addictions.

He was just trying to help people, dude. Genuinely.

Bar Rescue is a motherfucker.

you can see that Sam is wearing his faggot clown shoes again. it seems to me that the photographer purposefully cut out his shoes as to not have his work insulted further than absolutely necessary.

Also, it looks like Jim couldn't stop flapping his arms around long enough for him to snap the picture.

I still can't really convince outsiders but I firmly believe that these two deserve the death penalty more than some of the serial killers and terrorists currently on death row in US prisons

You have my vote.

Well if you ever get a petition going for it, I can guarentee you my signiture and I'll be happy to go door to door with you trying to get the public on our side.

you can somewhat make out that Sam is wearing his flashy clown shoes again.

Is "clown" some sort of new-fangled racial slur?

No, it's completely literal.

Owen Benjamin was on Bar Rescue too. That show will have any old nobody on it.

Sam trying to pose and wear cool-guy clothes... Definition of lipstick on a pig

Jimmy needs to be visited by Bore Rescue, I tell ya.

His skull needs to be visited with an AIDS Rescue! Toe attachment!!

T-Cells! Yellow Treats! Why won't you eat my ass?

This isn't even a reminder. I, like probably most on here, had no idea they were ever on there.

I was scrolling through the guide and saw Bar Rescue was on and in my mind it triggered something that made me remember someone posting a picture of them on the actual show from the old sub which is now gone. I couldn’t find that picture but I found this one from before the taping. Long story short. Now you know!

I watch the show and didn't know they were on it

Do you know which episode it was?

I can't find their episode on stupid YouTube. This show must not be as popular as say kitchen nightmares.

It’s a cheap ripoff of KN. Everyone wants to be Gordon Ramsay.

jim looks like a special needs kid

Ugly and uglier.

Sam’s facial hair is the reason why I always shave even when I feel like growing it out for a few weeks.

Nice head tilt, stupid.

Jims arms flailing won't even let him take a photo.

Not only is Sam getting impressively ugly he is also shrinking in size.