In 2004 worm didn’t know they call the ring the octagon in ufc. 30 seconds in

26  2019-07-13 by Mcchisell


Which is ok, because afaik he wasn’t pretending to be a fan then.

I’m pretty sure his MMA fandom is just occasionally attending a big event and using his show as a way to take pictures with popular fighters. Lord knows he’s not taking pictures with exciting prospects, just whoever is hot at the moment

Does Jim still do that his bullshit foray into UFC anymore? I feel like it takes some people awhile to realize how uninformed he is on just about everything. That Vice show should have never been greenlit and whoever approved that advice show should be shot.

I don’t even know. I never listened to his UFC podcast or anything, because I always knew he was an uninformed worm.

His voice was broadcast on the radio for years and he never said anything insightful about the sport or seemed excited for it. He didn’t have any interesting conversations with Joe Rogan about it. Which is weird because Joe talks to even the most casual people about it and carries a conversation because he is so passionate about it

The only thing Jim has any passion or authority on is Viking tranny prostitutes

No, he wasn't pretending then, but since then he has retroactively implied that his fandom goes back to PRIDE and Strikeforce days. He has many t-shirts of both.

He also years after Po was fired still defended him as a secret badass in secret martial arts. In the yt clip where the rest of the staff makes fun of Po years after his firing, he only interjects to say that Po couldn't use death touch moves against the fan that took him down in studio and that he thinks Po is cool and loved playing chess vs him. Imagine the meeting of the minds with those two retards playing chess.