I never listened to Opie and Anthony untill after the show was over.

1  2019-07-13 by mikejmarvin

I've never heard brother Joe, all I know about him is from this sub. Where should I start listening.


Electric shock of music video is always a good start

You shouldn’t.

Start with BeigeFrequencys Anthony Cumias Demented World series on youtube. I think BroJoe part was part 4.

u/beigefrequency did these get deleted?

No. I forgot he has them hidden for now because Joe keeps trying to take them down. He posted yesterday about it

Oh Ok. What is he trying to achieve? Getting videos removed won't change your long documented history of retardation Joe.

Anything featuring the war hero bro joe

Joe would tell you it all began with the OJ parody and that any listener worth his salt should start there. Instead skip ahead a decade or so and listen to any Colin Quinn or Scorch. The ones with both are a real treat.

You didn’t miss anything. The virus never spreads. We never learn the phrase that pays.

I envy you.

Why are you here? If you want to listen to an entertaining dead show, check out Ron and Fez.

My hatred of Howie

Seriously, check out Ron and Fez on YouTube. It is great.

I've been listening to that too.

Any of the old o&a jocktober shows are pretty good. If you haven’t heard all five hours if the Mel Gibson tapes I’d be seriously jealous. I listen to it at least once a year. Almost any random Ron and Fez is great, but [cakehorn] is a personal favorite. Wanna return the favor with some Howie?

Hey /u/redditsipowillsuck - do you still have the Brother Joe on People's Court videos handy?

OP should probably start there.