I wanted to deliver The Body of Christ to my parishioners...But, I got so hungover I ended up handing out my garage door opener.

8  2019-07-12 by LoouisCuCkpartDeux



“Fuck, man. Ha, that’s funny. Do you want to be my national opener, cohost my podcast? I’ll RT every tweet, like every Instagram post, and I promise to constantly pump up your act, I enjoy that much, genuinely. Honestly, I’d tell if I didn’t.”

"You can put make-up on me and post it on YouTube. Ha, we can grab a Froyo afterwards."

Needs more thirtysomething turning-the-corner tits

So there i was, Joe Rogan, at The Vatican in North Bergen and this crazy fuckin cocksuckas start shoveling this white shit into a fuckin chinmey Joe Rogan and the smoke comes out as white as an Irishmen doing blow and whaddya know I'm the new Pope. So I snort ten pounds a coke and kidnap 600 people at knife point joe rogan and then Jimmy Carter personally pardons me and dat's the truth joe rogan

next thing you know i'd painted the ceiling with god reaching out to sinatra