brain cell stimulator: which famous rock band is named after two things Anthony will never have?

23  2019-07-11 by redditsipowillsuck

Guns N' Roses, because he can't legally own guns, and no one loves him.


This is like Rockbusters all over again.

Wet Knee Houston

There's this Jamaican bloke, right, and he's swinging a fish above his head. D-S.

(I've listened to those episodes 100 times and sometimes I still can't figure out the answer.)

Alright, bit different this week, this one's a DJ. You've got an insect sat on your leg and you want to call it over. What do you say?


'Ant come over, right? BUT HIS NAME ISN"T ANT COME OVER IT'S CUMIA!!!!! Right we're never doing this again.'

Ant on knee come 'ere.

Here's one, right, about a comedian: Me toilet is heading down to Tijuana. LJG.

It's MeXico...MEX. You're an idiot, play a record.

Another comic. The Spanish man is confused about people pissing in the ocean. LCK.

Luis see 'que'? Nope doesn't work. Doesn't work this bit's over until you buck your ideas up.

He's like "Loo is sea? Loo is sea? Que?" Spanish for what, innit.

De-trout spinners.. One of the best rockbusters.

Any one featuring the 'Jamaican fella' is comedy gold.

De trout spinners

Christ! Da' burg!

This actually made me laugh.

Great White. Im sure i dont even have to explain.

Sex Pistols

There's a band called Dignity HIV-?

We know he's already got a Bad Company...a-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha

If it was three things, I would have guessed "Mother Love Bone"

He definitely gets the bone

I know it's not Pearl Jam, because Sue jams pearls down his throat on the regular.

Radio head because his career is finished and no one will blow him

Rot gut