Does anyone remember the live show where Ant flirted with Dani Brand when she was just 15?

50  2019-07-11 by amotionactor



”Oh c’mon, you’ve never flirted with a minor in order to groom her? You’ve never bit a girls fingers when she tries to call the police on you? You’ve never had tranny dick in your asshole?”

  • Anthony, probably

Every man has the same fetishes and perversions as Ant does, he's just ballsy enough to admit it, that's all.

Strip away the makeup, the modern science, plaster and the follicles and this is the real Anthony Cumia.

I thought he has toilet bowl white teeth

I believe the clip is called "fuck her tits into oblivion," quoting Louis CK.

Didn’t Patrice say something along the lines of “who’s this cute little heroin addict?” and then Ant hushed him:

She was 19 in that clip.

I feel like I've seen this guy hunting Smurfs before

Gargamel is a Jew. Anthony's a nigger.

Anthony is of low character

He looks like the porn actor Dirty Harry

I'm ashamed that I got this reference

Vinny Brand has a vagina. There's video evidence of your young daughter being assaulted and you haven't done shit. The abuser knows you and is in the same state as you. What's the excuse?

Jim Henson is dead

AntH lives in New Jersey?

Hell no! Anth would never live in shitty New Jersey! He lives in Long Island. Pure class

True, AntH's face does look like a map of RonkonkomaH.

The abuser knows you and is in the same state as you. What's the excuse?

They aren't in the same state.

Look at that one rotten tooth