Black lives matter? Of course they matter. Just not to me!

86  2019-07-11 by breewagoner


the jews are responsible for all the worlds ills

So if your parents are jews then why don’t you kill yourself?

not jewsih but ill consider your proposal

you sure you're not jewsih ?


Not all, just nearly all. Bacteria, viruses and mother nature account for some damage too ya know.

Nah... Jews are just ordinary pervy white guys to us in Asia.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny"

But it was funny, Jerry. It was.

*Afro-American Lives Matter

No spook for you!

We give Jerry a lot of shit for that, but he just knew that laughter wasn't helping the damage control that brought him there in the first place.

"Who are these people?!? And by 'these', I mean 'black'."

They aren't people.

What is the deal with black people? I mean, they're not black, and they're not people! How does that work?

What's the deal with these nogs? I mean why isn't their skin white? Is it a representation of their character and personality? Helloooo??? I'm trying to not be disgusted by the way stranger's look over here!

uproarious applause ensues

I'm telling you, Joe Rogan... What's the deal with fucking airplane peanuts? What am I going to do with peanuts on a plane, dog?! I'm not a momo. I still got a rock of blow in my nostrils that is lodged up there from when i hastily took a keybump at the airport restroom, cocksucka! Almost missed my fucking flight to Newark, Joe Rogan.

That's gold, Jerry! GOLD!

Or security at Disneyland

A cop see a black guy, yadda yadda yadda, now the black gentleman is lying in a pool of his own blood.

Ha ua ha ho lee shit

What’s with Chicken of the Sea tuna? Chickens don’t come from the sea. Are they trying to get niggers to swim? Who are these Jews?

What's the deal with jigaboos?

I don't see the humor in that word. Nor do I seek it.