It's so annoying that Jim is only animated when people are talking about sex. You're not 13 anymore, asshole. There's other things in life besides tits, you stupid idiot

99  2019-07-10 by smashthafunk

For someone who claims to have been with dozens of prostitutes over the years, you would think he would somewhat lose interest in sexual content. But no, it's always, "Do you like a meaty pussy?" or "Let's talk more about cuckolding." It's enraging that he just wants to carve out a place as the tranny banging, pervert guy.


I think he views sex as an activity in the strictest sense of the word, because he usually pays for it as a service. I get the sense it’s like whatever given seedy street he’s on is a theater and each hooker is a different movie, or some other dumb analogy. He picks apart what he likes and dislikes about each one like he’s reviewing a fucking movie, it’s almost like a hobby.

It’s sad that takes us message board freaks to sum it up, but you got the nail on the worm’s head.

He's never had intimate sex because no woman has ever loved him. He doesn't have a personality or looks to attract women, so he pays them in cash and career promises. He can't comprehend what it's like to be loved

he wouldn't know love even if he had it.

Like anyone that’s 13, he talks about sex a lot when he’s not actually having it.

At least with females.

to be fair, he gets excited when someone mentions aa.

Classic case of overcompensation

He's a fuckin faggot sex joke hack.

Don’t forget his enthusiasm when he “cuts gassers”

notice they're always silent, too. his anus has been stretched so regularly by tranny cock that his butthole is so loose it doesn't even pucker when he farts

Fart comes out like a breeze thru the woods

*man cock

Old mustard just starts oozing out.

I used to work with a guy who did that and one day another guy just snapped and beat the shit out of him, pretty badly too. Cops, ambulance, it was a real scene, man. Honestly I was kind of happy about it, as I hated that vile motherfucker and his stink. I hope that happens to Jim one day.

Jim wants everyone to believe that he’s a single man in his 50’s because he’s just too wild and crazy mahhhn but the reality is he simply has no idea how to attract normal women. He’s spent so many years buying pussy and suck dick that he can’t comprehend what a normal woman is attracted to.

This is why he hangs out with pornstars that will obviously never fuck him (for free), Jim never progressed past the awkward teenage boy phase of ”Maybe if I hang around the chicks and act nice they’ll eventually want to fuck me!”

And if they don't... Well he'll just take his salad and leave without closing the door

Don't forget his bag of almonds. He needs the non man protein.

I seriously doubt any of his old stories are true. He’s just a nobody with nothing interesting about him. He made it all up.

He's spent so many years buying pussy and suck dick

I concur, and got hard at a stranger randomly ordering me to suck dick. Great post man!

Had to pay for it his whole life. What a pathetic fucking retard.

He’s got millions of dollars in the bank and his Tinder date felt she had to bring another guy to the date because she was creeped out by him.

With the money he’s got, it should be fucking impossible to be that patheticly lost with females. He’s like a insecure little faggot as soon as he tries to make a move on some retarded skank they have on the show. They end up going out... as friends, and then some regular guy steps in and takes her home to fuck her.

While Jim is left alone, sober, in some bar, contemplating suicide.

Fucking useless little worm.

He has a legitimate sex addiction, and it seems exhausting. It’s stifled his progress and creativity throughout the years, and generally seems to have hobbled his career. He canceled his LA show 2 years ago 48hrs prior to the date so he could go have dinner with that Nordic dude.

Hahahaha I hope this is true.

It's true.

it is

Not even his fetishes are edgy anymore.

It's all a ruse to disguise his true penis-centric yearnings from other men. He's terrified of being labeled as gay so he overcompensates by acting like he's "sex crazed" re: women.

It's enraging that he just

Enraging? Do you always mimic Jimmy's phrases or just today?

You're really getting motherfucked with the downvotes. Sssccuumbags.

Yay it's like the good ol' days! Now when are the Philly Crew Bot and Repeating Anthony bot coming back?

It's so annoying that Jim is only animated when people are talking about sex.

How 👏 annoying 👏 is 👏 he ? 👏

Sex is gay.

Fuckin' birds is for poofs.

jims only been animated once, and it cost his retarded fans $60,000

The guy was fed a daily breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and cock. Probably why he's permanently stuck in Monster Rain age.

Or that's just an excuse for him to be a cunty and wormy pervert who daterapes women and is infuriated if he doesn't get his way.

He's only animated when he gets $60k-plus from cousin-fuckers on long hauls

Or saying to interns "I can't believe you haven't had a gay experience" or "You've never jerked off around your friends?".

Faggot thinks everyone played monster rain