If God is real, will we be punished for what we do here?

8  2019-07-09 by Officer_McGrady

Or does God also think they deserve it?


Do you know how old that fucker would have to be? No way he even knows how to get online.

He's on AOL fucker

Joe said it himself. Divine intervention is the only thing keeping him from brutally killing all of us or something.

Bovine intervention

My man I'm gonna need you to stay late and make some napkin doodles for us

If God is real, he has been guiding our hands in exposing the Logan Lynns, Fatricks, and Cumias so that the world may know the depth of their faggotry

All sodomites

Hallelujah, brothaman.

He'd reward us by letting us suck on 10 angel tits.

You never saw a hot, hot 13 year old angel?

The right kind though

God approves of all of The Rocket’s activity.

Good to see ya, Rocket. Hope things are well.

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ and his messenger St. Gibson, this is a wholesome Christian sub

If I'm heading straight to hell because of this I'm making it my mission to piss in Nanas face daily when I'm there. Whether he likes it or not he's gonna be there a long time before we will be.

The Lord is my Brothaman; I shall not want.

He maketh me to mock Joe in green pastures

If Pat Robertson dies from asshole cancer, then I will believe

God isn’t real, but if he was he would hate Anthony Cumia and loathe his loser older brother, Joseph. They are walking examples of the seven deadly sins in action.

We shall be thanked for our service inshalla

I was told God hates fags, so it would seem we are a part of His plan.

God is the light which guides us to attack evil doers.

Your faith was being tested.

Your participation in Opie & Anthony antics during the show's live run was your initial test. You were being seduced and teased into creating havoc. You nearly failed the test.

However, when the revelations came, you sorted your soul. You allowed your vessel to be washed by the white light of the lord when you made the right decision, to stand against the very people you used to listen to every single day, because they are morally reprehensible, and you know that.

The fact that you know that, and that you act on it, is why you have been saved, you have been forgiven, you have been repented.

You guys really aren’t doing that much besides calling a 60 year old man gay

Why would God be mad at us over exposing pedophiles and homosexuals?