Anthony really is just a boring Nana. He’s going to do “an hour” on the Disneyland fight video. Wow, so cool. I better subscribe now!!!

35  2019-07-09 by lolercakesmcgee


Didn't CP Media go dark for yet another "vacation week" that their suckers subscribers pay for? An hour on that viral Disney video will be super timely content when everyone's bored with it and moved on from it a week from now.

Walt Disney never wanted any Cumia to enjoy his theme parks.

Someone said the entire network is taking TWO weeks vacation. Nobody subscribes so it's hard to confirm.

They should just put a hair salon on the green screen to make him feel at home. No one wants to listen to this giggly spaz recycle his already recycled talking points.

The men in that video are textbook Cumia. Fat black tourist pussies who only punch women.

At least they didn’t bite them.

Like a bunch of fat retards brawling at Disney is any trashier than Compound Media's sad-sack-sorry collection of talentless hacks and boring repetitive faggotry. Anyone else notice how year after year of forced fake laughter and contrived facial expressions has changed Ant's entire countenance and posture? That stupid fucking raised eyebrows "ha ha HA" face of his is like his entire personality now.

Imagine your potential talent pool peaking at Artie and then screeching to a halt at LandCow. All is not well in the State of Obscurity.

I come here every day and I’m still not sure who LandCow is. He’s too boring and plain to care about. The bold move would have been to replace Artie with Joe, but I guess Keith blocked it. Typical!

For Anthony Artie represented a big get. For Artie...a dying heroin addict with a collapsed nose who hadn't been relevant in almost a decade, mind you...Anthony represented an easy way to score some quick and much-needed drug money. Artie respected Anthony so little that he thought nothing of doing drugs during the actual show, obviously because he knew that hiring him meant Ant was even more desperate than he was. It was really pretty funny when you think about it.

Wtf is with his Twitter profile pic? It's so irritating to see that awful thumbnail when scanning through this place.

All I want is killing his Twitter at this point

Do you think he will discuss race?

Why is a 60 year old single man going to Disney?

I'm sure black people would respect the "drunk beating up bobo" video or the "Dani broken hand" video.