Dawn Cumia is best Cumia! She doesn’t leach off her brothers! She took care of her mother! She is in a loving relationship! Lived a meaningful life! Worships the Brothermans cock like we do, “sniff”. Isn’t a homosexual! Isn’t a pedophile! Doesn’t start wars with the Opie and Anthony fan base!

12  2019-07-09 by Spaceballsin3d


Like Joe, she also cashes allowance checks from her child predator brother and she's a nightmare Xenomorph: https://i.imgur.com/8cfgGdy.jpg

Unlike Joe she has the decency to keep quiet and not act like taking an allowance us somehow her achievement. She still carries those Moorish genes though.

She accepts her allowance, she doesn’t demand it or feel entitled to it. Also I doubt she still gets money from Anthony since he left SiriusXM (for saying cops shouldn’t be executed.)

“Excuse me sir, a - a WHAT?”

Get ready for the photos of her in her bathing suit.

Fucking frump

Where did the ass go?


It came off with the Spanx.

It moved to her bunt

Is that Terry Clifford in the first photo with 2 pairs of glasses?

You’re joking but no, Terry wouldn’t be caught dead around Cumia trash.

If Anthony had an ass like that, he'd get a lot more cock and wouldn't be so miserable all the time on twitter.

Fuck off. Dawn is lovely and not at all cumialike. Sure she took some cash from nana, but she spread it around to her friends who had the misfortune of meeting her 2 pedo brothers.

Dawn isn’t found going to fuck you for defending her honor

She’d fuck me for way less. Don’t be jealous


Had to point out that her brother was lying about their mother being dead on Thanksgiving. Class fucking act as always, bovine Joe.

Fuck this substitute teacher looking bitch, guilty by association.

I would

It's like, if I didn't know who she was, I'd totally fuck her in the ass but you can SEE the 'Cumia' in her face. It's like Nana in drag.

She let's her brothers take fake groping pics with her, she's gross too

You know that Fat Opie and Opie are different people, right?

Still an ugly wop though. Ugliness runs in the Cumia family.

She is a negress with a flat ass. That’s something that can be held against her.