Joe Cumia is a highly judgemental boomer who hasn't achieved anything in his life. Even with the continued free charity of his rich younger brother he hasn't accomplished anything. He doesn't even have custody of his child because he's a deadbeat.

99  2019-07-08 by MarbleSpaceCat

Opie invested in his brother who built and runs a successful business. Joe is a charity case loser who relies on handouts.


Nothing untrue here.

Here's a few more completely true statements about Joe Cumia -

  • He's completely comfortable with his younger brother grooming a 14 year old girl online, including saying he wants to kiss her.
  • He went on court TV, lied through his teeth about tweets that he 100% made and repeatedly brought up that he'd been accused of pedophilia - all to recoup a couple of grand that I guarantee he didn't share with his band mates.
  • Used to smoke crack with his own mother
  • Recently posted a naked picture of Josh Fonner here that somebody had sent him and then quickly deleted it in a fit of shame
  • Thinks he's due lifetime "residuals" from his baby brother because he hit record on a 4 track back in 1994

That idiotic OJ parody was in no way a hit song. It was only funny enough to make Opie invite them onto his local radio show.

This is like a studio guitarist playing on one Led Zeppelin track and demanding residuals on their whole catalogue

Nigga he said JoeH "hit record on a 4-track" not "made a hit record." But your point is still correct

God damn garden path sentences am I right folks.

You never know where you end up i'll tell ya hwat

Say what, now?

Thinks he's due lifetime "residuals" from his baby brother because he hit record on a 4 track back in 1994

He is a total embarrassment of a "man" in so many ways but this point will always take the number 1 spot for most pathetic thing about Joe Cumia. The fact that he crows about it just makes it even more bizarre. I can't imagine willingly accepting money from anyone, let alone a younger sibling, for 2 decades but, if I did, I sure as fuck wouldn't tell anybody about it. I'd be ashamed as hell and make up some bullshit story about a legacy from a distant uncle or something.

I can't imagine willingly accepting money from anyone, let alone a younger sibling, for 2 decades but, if I did, I sure as fuck wouldn't tell anybody about it. I'd be ashamed as hell and make up some bullshit story about a legacy from a distant uncle or something.

If I was really in a bind I might ask my parents or brother for a loan, which I would pay back as soon as I could. To just accept a goddamn 60 grand a year salary for just existing is pathetic beyond belief...and all these years he could have been learning a valuable skill beyond strumming a few chords and badly singing cover songs.

Ant would disinherit him if Joe lied about the origin of his "alimony".

. • Allowed convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Hollander, into his condo. The same condo that his young daughter sometimes visits. I wonder if Joe’s ex wife knows about this.

Boomers are really a garbage generation of hypocrites... draft dodging hippies that all of a sudden became the moral police and the judge of ones patriotism. They are the CEO’s and politicians in charge of it all but will blame every other generation for their mistakes. I also love when they tell stories of hardships 100% plagiarized from their parents as if they lived through a recession & world war.

Seriously how sad is it that he just constantly congratulates himself on his political views because that's all he's got.

Even tho by his own political standards he should hate himself.

That would take honest insight

It's weird how he hates black people so much for reasons that also entirely apply to himself.

Doesn't work. Doesn't pay his own way. Relies on welfare from someone else to feed his kid. Doesn't have a stable marriage with the mother of his kid. Doesn't see his kid much. Can't get her to school on time. Always bragging on social media. Always causing trouble.

He made a whole song about black earl being lazy (he was) but at least he had a job

Two jobs sir.

dont forget violent: didnt he beat up colin quinn's cousin in the 80's or something?

Colin Quinn's cousin should have shot him like Trayvon Martin.

Yes, Colin’s cousin Tim Gage who is a comedian now.

Both Cumias have domestic abuse convictions too.

Drives like shit. Waves his gun around like a fucking idiot. Flashes a stack of 1's like he's a big baller. Is black. Can't get his kid to school on time. Vapes. Has to be asked to turn his music down.

And has bragged about breaking the law for years

He's also a shrewd investor. He had the foresight to invest the holographic Trump playing cards sets!

Righteous bucks.

I’ve heard allegations of pedophilia as well.

It's weird how this cloud always follows him around. Why is someone always being accused by different people of being a pedophile so much? It really makes me think wow this guy sure is called a pedophile a lot, I wonder if he is a pedophile?

He’s never denied it, even though he mentions the allegations at every opportunity. Really makes you think.

Everyone in the cumia orbit is either a pedophile or enabler no normal person sticks around after seeing that Danny Ross might be the only decent person ever to go to nanas house

Danny is a self destructive Jew but he tapped out when he realised the depth of Ant's depravity. He could have leveraged it for money when he probably needed it the most like the rest of his ghoulish ball washers but he didn't.

Say what you want about him but gotta hand it to him, he's a stubborn guy but does have a basically decent moral compass. Which you literally can't say about 99.9% of the extended universe of people related to the show. Except Dr Steve and M.

I-I-I-I gawda dezent boral gompass AWRITE

More importantly, he is a retarded kid toucher.

Wife beater too. Fuck all that bullshit he spews, no one has any reason to believe that he isn't a wife beater for a second. It's in his best interest to create a web of lies like he did so he doesn't look like even more of a piece of shit than he already does.

Actually he didn't beat his wife with a frying pan because Ant also saw her hit herself with the frying pan and not him so you really can't say he did it when Ant was a witness to say he didn't.

Yeah, we all know Anthony for being a truth-teller. He didn't lie about the egg, the Ipad, Bobo's sister, or Sue Lightning. He also didn't lie to cops to get them to leave when he bit Dani. Come on man. He said that because his brother is involved, plain and simple

Just look at Carol's face, the frying pan antics are still going on to this day.

Joe is more of a nascent Gen-Xer.

He couldve gone to college and had a better career if ant backed him over keith... Just saying. I know we say hes stupid but i really feel like who the fuck is keith to take money from the family

Keith is the crooked ex cop who was borne witness to and helped cover up many of Nana's misdeeds. He eaaarrrnnned that money

During Joe's People's Court appearance I heard there is a 5 hour diatribe Joe went on discussioning the tenants of pedophilia. Disgusting. Obviously it was cut from the final episode.


Yeah. All the children he has overnight are technically tenants.

Tenants of pedophilia? I’d hate to meet their proprietor!

You forgot the part where he drinks children's saliva and huffs their feces

Joe would be pumping gas if Anthony wasn't such a fucking pussy. It's clear he puts Joe in the same category as Bobo & Big A. He didn't even throw him a bone and give him a show or a job of any kind within his 'media' company.