Joe has Anthony been adjusting your allowance for inflation?

74  2019-07-08 by Officer_McGrady

Or have you just been getting the same flat rate for two decades? If so, that's pretty fucked up of your brother, dude. You were responsible for the creation of O&A and this little dork who could've never done it without you is gonna try to take you for a ride?

$60,000 in 1998 would be $95,000 in 2019 so I seriously hope he's not ripping you off.


He thinks inflation rate is how fast you blow up a balloon

Bob Kelly is the equivalent of inflation in Germany in the 1920’s

Did not expect a hyperinflation joke.

There’s a lot of them to go around

just like bob kelly!

see, if a joke works, it just works.


Duuuude you got your wheelbarrow full of reichsmarks just to buy one loaf of bread, BOOM you’re ignoring the treaty of Versailles dude. President Hindenburg is schmarmy, dude.

You got ya Hitler ya appoint him president thinkin you can control him boom he outmaneuvers you dude.

Joe's weight has inflated quite a bit too.

if Joe's allowance was tied-in to his weight, then Anth would've been broke years ago

Joe got immediately fat as soon as he was no longer in his 20s when you have to start putting effort into life

Joe would be paying Anthony, folks!

And there was that time I started your career in radio.

“Opie, meet Anthony. Anthony, Opie.”

laugh track