Anthony's cackling in the first three minutes of the newest LOS episode is ridiculous.

21  2019-07-05 by aRTie02150



ah HA HA HA yeah

Oh my gawd fuck Denis Leary!!

HA Dennis Leary, yeah.

The insincerity of his laugh is directly proportionate to the increasing pitch of each "ha". When he "ha ha ha" s and the last ha has that high effeminate tone that kind of tails off, it's at peak fakeness.

It’s unsettling, like he’s forgotten how to be a human.

I feel like we can claim some responsibility for that. No effect on their lives! Or psyches!

did he ever know?

Happy To Be There Guy is just ecstatic that there are still people willing to having him around at all.

Yeah everyone in comments and on twitter made it seem like the problem was laughing guy in the audience, but Anthony was far more startling, much louder and 100% forced

Generally LOS isn't bad, but this was one of the more annoying ones.

That robotic laugh and 98% of every joke The Long Island Nibbler made, or was made about him, was about race. He has no other material at this point and is so obsessed with it he can hardly think of anything else. The remaining 2% were 35 year old references.

He got into an altercation with one black person, once (after years of talking about what he's do in a situation like that) and hasn't been able to focus on anything else for five years. He needs to see a shrink for PTSD.

LOS is one of the few podcasts I actually listen to and nana forcefully laughing through thewhole thing was just fuckin sad