I’m getting really tired of this piece of shit getting a “power top” attitude.

40  2019-07-05 by suirogerg


Imagine being dwarfed by Sam. Jim could use some hgh

Jim could use some GHB will a nice hefty pinch of fentanyl mixed in

Jim could use a brain eating amoeba.

Thanks for the downvote, Sam! Nice to know you’re here :)

Maybe Sam Roberts's one fan lurks here?

I don’t think his mother knows about the sub.

I hope she does.

Is she hot ?
Who am I kidding, she tossed that abomination out of her cunt.

You spelled "dies" wrong

Yeah with a toe attachment, stupid

I hate this matching pair of dwarfish, unfunny hack cunts.

Sam is a weasel

Jim admires Sam's exceptional wormhood.

Men doing physical labor puts Sam in a bad mood; because he knows it’s one thing he can’t weasel himself into ever being capable of doing.

I'd like to smash his forehead with a ball peen hammer.

"Another great week of Jim and Sam shows." Was it?

It's not even boring, it's fucking detestable. If I catch 10 minutes of it for any reason I'm disgusted by what I'm hearing. I can't comprehend how there are people who listen to that show daily.

good guys making good radio

" How am I supposed to voice my uninformed opinion with all this hammering?"

"we're two guys that enjoy watching real men fucking girls we care about."

He somehow looks worse with his astroturf beard and ridiculous balding head.

I can't help staring at his pics now and then and imagine Jessie's face when that thing approaches.

So, Jim, you’re saying you don’t like what Trump had to say? Nyehehehe- oh, goddammit, that asshole with the jackhammer is ruining this solid gold content!

If anyone ever needed to grow a neckbeard it was Jim "profile of a turkey" Norton. Unfortunately for him, he can't, with his awful wispy chink hair.

Great week of shows

Many spent with me in a bad mood


Reservoir Fags

The usual assholes

We have not given Sam NEARLY enough shit. I propose it and leave it up to you all.

How can we get the ball rolling

My job was DONE after the proposition, which is exaclty what I tell all of my kids whenever they want whatever.

Oh look, another quirky photo where one person is looking at the other but that person isn't looking back, you can't help but wonder "what's going on here?".

lol what a couple of jokers!

Based on his facial expression, I'd guess Jim is taking a shit standing up. Sam appears to be hoping the elevator gets to their floor before the stench hits him.

It really compels me to listen to their great week of radio which includes one half of the pair in a bad mood due to construction.

is Sam still on hormone therapy? how does he get uglier and uglier with every photo?

I can't believe they still let that talentless shitbag on the radio. It has to be performance art or something.

This man is why forcible sodomy was invented.

Looks like some faggot EDM band

Imagine being so out of touch with the plight of the common man that all it takes to ruin your day -- despite working the easiest job on the planet in the best city in the world surrounded by celebrities kissing your ass because of who you work for -- is a little construction noise outside.

He is so fucking ugly I have to look away. Every part of him is ugly, inside and out.

A worm and a parasite in a pod. Lovely. Both provide 0 value no matter where they go.

Nice jawline Norton. At least Sam has enough self awareness to cover his weak and chin with a shitty beard

I love the show

Put jim norton or ron bennington on any show and they can make anyone seem intesesting