Greasy Podcaster Offers Advice He Doesn't Follow -

9  2019-07-04 by Sternacthegreat


Looks like Anthony Cumia has declared Independence from any form of self-awareness, right gang?

" Dont molest kids" - Anthony Cumia

Imagine taking advice from the worlds biggest failure.

Joe Cumia?

Sr or Jr?

Joe Sr seemed to know who he was, at least.

No, his brother

The most annoying thing about Ant is how fucking hypocritical he is. I will unironically be happy when he dies.

The sub needs to finally have an official meetup at his funeral. Bamsseed can choreograph our casket dance, her people have a knack for that.

And get those virtual sharpies for the virtual guestbook ready

Don't forget putting it behind a paywall and making it as un-entertaining as possible.

she's talking to herself again.