A gem from the old sub

103  2019-07-04 by Nuwanda84


On the next episode of two fat faggots z

Makes me wanna book a room on the 32nd floor of Mandalay Bay!

Faggons Ball

The Gay Bar

Louis CK?

I hate a certain fat, failed sci fi author more than I hate Ant, Joe and Jim Norton combined

I don't even hate Joe. I see him more as a lovable retard

exactly my thoughts, brothaman

he's too retarded to hate, god be with him no bs

So so so so so so so so so you’re saying FUSION is the key to beating the reddittards?

It was fatty cakes who showed Joe how to actually be somewhat effective in getting a subreddit shutdown but now Joe's on his own he can't even do that.

Isn't that right u/doxxer100 you dumb fuck.

A dumb powerless cow is all you are. Dumby dumb dumb brain.

pulitzer pat and war hero joe won, thats what makes this image so great, folks. the dynamic duo shut down 6 subs and joecumia.com. youre not even allowed to speak pulitzer pats name anymore

how deeply, deeply embarrassing, folks. the cumias win, norton wins, opie got fired from a paltform he paid to be on, and the sub got shut down 6 times..LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL oh my ribs. i think my ribs just pierced my kidney, folks. oh jeez louise

  1. All posts about that sci-fi author will be removed.

the mods won't stand for good content like this