Cosplay with me here if you will not as a tv show biker gang or a 78th potato vet, but as a club owner...

3  2019-07-04 by GloryHolejoeH


Imagine if you will you are a club owner and your manager who hires your talent every week tells you...
Joe Cumia founder of opienanthony, brother of childmolester anthony cumia, band leader of almost journey and U2, potato peeler of FOUR, child spit enthusiast, slow joe acoustic show will not play out back because you forgot swiss cheese with his sandwhich and got him a lemon lime (green) gatoraid and not red.

82nd Airborne*. Have some respect for stolen valor bro.

Good ol 2007 memes. Before I even knew they were called memes.

Holy shit. That's a pisser. Where all the transgender teens at? Asking for Tranthony.