“I. Amm fucking... my BROTHER’s girlfriend’s daughter.”

61  2019-07-03 by GhostofRoeCumia


Gadaffi didn’t look as bad as AntH does on a good day when he was being ass fucked by a bayonet

There was less blood than when Sue fucked AntH in the ass.

His was not "a good death."

And that's just north Africa. For the 5 course full experience come southeast why dontcha

I'd really rather not, thanks all the same.

What, paraded through town on the hood of a car while each citizen skelps you in the face with a shoe isn't "good"?

Not especially no. Add being sodomised with a bayonet while crying and begging for your life before being beaten half to death by a mob of rabid Arabs then getting shot. There are better ways to check out.

Well someone's picky.

Berber Cumia. King of the Maghreb.