Dear God

88  2019-07-02 by McGowan9


Please say this has been altered.

No. Someone else posted a photo of Anthony with LoS yesterday. I just zoomed in on his horrifying face and took a screengrab. He actually looks like this.

I think I’m actually mildly traumatized by how hideous he is.

Don't fall asleep. It's in your dreams that he's most dangerous.

It’s the sort of evil that probably haunts the dreams of people who film themselves raping babies.

Yeah, he's asking for copies.

The nanadook

If you don’t wake up screaming, you won’t wake up at all.

His head is slowly taking over the rest of his body

Sick and flabby

Also his fake horse teeth really stand out in this one

Corpse teeth

Our photoshops never made him look this bad.

He’s looks exactly how he should. Equally ugly inside and out.

Even his ear is grotesque and malformed.

Desktop link:

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Frank's sign

Frank's sign is a diagonal crease in the ear lobe extending from the tragus across the lobule to the rear edge of the auricle. The sign is named after Sanders T. Frank MD.It has been hypothesised that Frank's sign is indicative of cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes. Some studies have described Frank's sign as a marker of cardiovascular disease but not linked to the severity of the condition. In contrast, other studies have rebutted any association between Frank's sign and coronary artery disease in diabetics.

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He has his first heart attack like 15 years ago, and he was in the hospital again a few months ago because of it.

I'm glad he wasn't actually dead so he could see our mock grieving process

Bad news..Mel Gibson has it too

Mel's blowing HGH enriched loads into 26 year old pieces of ass. He'll be fine.

He's also had Sue's sign painted on his forehead.

He'll be on his death bed going "OH SO YOU THINK FRANK WAS BETTER??"

His jowls look like a crumpled paper bag.

a crumpled paper bag.

Funnily enough, just what would make him easier to look at.

More wrinkles than a... a paper bag convention...

HGH monster

There has to be some hebrew in his family line with that schnoz.



Ayfeism's brilliant, yeah

Face of evil.

'Face for radio' could've been coined for this gargoyle come to life.

He has the face of Bukowski and none of the talent

Definitely has his liver, though.

I bet if you just look at that hair wrong a big old clump of it falls out.

I tend to think judging other men by their looks is gay. However, this man is just one horrific and scary looking negroid.

His face looks like it was carved out in a cave

David Cronenberg is jealous he never came up with something like this

Grade A Fronkensteen

I like how he went for the “Piscopo Special” at ye olde toilet bowl teeth shoppe

This defies natures geometry.

Green Goblin lookin' ass

This looks like the Nana Creature without being photoshopped

Natural laughs

His hair looks like an hippopotamus swallowing his forehead. And he fucks trannies and kids

Nice soy sauce hair dye you Joe Piscopo looking maudlin mother abandoner

Might as well be rubbing hands together like the lonely merchant.

Anthony Weiner lookin ass nigga.

ol hook-nose rotten cantalope head.

Jesus H. Christ, he looks a lot like Big A.


Shaving his beard is the worst decisions he's ever made... Oh wait. There's the other things too

One or two.

i will never understand how Ant ever thought a video element would help him at all

Pube head