Does Joe feel entitled to a pension / retirement fund to come out of Anthony's pocket too? He's never paid into anything so that must be his plan. Discuss.

15  2019-07-02 by TheWelfareMan


Moo cow faggot could be raking in with a podcast and his redditard audience

But hes too fucking self defeatist and dumb.

The man literally put his podcast behind a $1000/ episode paywall.

In his own words - Anth was always the funny one, he was always the one with the "Brain for business".

He deserves more. I mean keith globbed on with no shame and is basically taking food from joes family. He isnt in la familia idk why hes even this close.

anyone can go to the Social Security website and look at their contribution history and what their expected payout to be depending on when you retire. I like what I see. Big difference between 62 and 66 or 70 but it's good to know that those payments are coming when I'm ready. We need to trick Joe into to looking at his and figuring out he is going to get about $56 a month, Medicaid, not Medicare and doesn't have a plan. Keith , on the other hand, has all the money he looted from the Cumias, Full Social Security, Medicare, Health Care, dental and a pension. A tale of 2 futures there and Joe is going to be with the paupers