Reminder: CP Media is a subscription based provider because they don't want sponsors "telling them what they can and can't say" and not because Anthony Groomia's only lasting impression to the public is being a racist pedophile.

35  2019-07-02 by MarbleSpaceCat

Also Jim Norton stole 60k dollars from truckers to make them a cartoon and he never did it.


If he had an ounce of self awareness, he'd take the advice of someone with more money than him, and stop the race shit and just be funny again.

He also wouldn't be an active child groomer who bites women a third of his age.

He would, nothing I mention negates that. Hes still a pedophile, and woman biter.

I honestly don't think he has funny in him anymore.

The last TACS I watched he was talking about black shit and was going to say either nigger or nigga with whatever joke Dave was attempting, Anthony pauses and said something like "In Hot Water uses up the N word limit and on this show we try to avoid that humor. Trying to get sponsors ova here!" or some shit like that. It might seem like he was joking or being sarcastic but I truly believed he meant that.


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