Cro magnon in the studio

12  2019-07-01 by comic631


I wish they had mustard gas as a guest

Is that what comes out of jimmys ass?

As opposed to what’s usually cumming I’m his ass

Trim that beard and put on a hat, you impossible moron. This was the cerebral assassin that worked his way up the top, but he can't figure this out???

It proves even further that there is something fundamentally wrong with his wife. Marrying him, especially so early in his "career" was confusing enough, but she also lets him eat like a toddler and leave the house like this. People that marry their childhood sweethearts tend to be weirdos that get stuck in arrested development.

Exactly. Sam needed HGH to grow normally, and its indicative of his progression since. He has child like interests; Arrested Development is a perfect summary.

That HGH did nothing good for him, it just makes him look like a monster/caveman/etc. And it didn't even help him grow to a normal size or put on any semblance of muscle.

Neanderthal Hybrids from there more recent cloning experiments survive off Junk Food and monster Energy drink , in fact , they thrive off it .


He's not Crow Mag .

It shows what little it takes to rise to the "top". The people that make it, are always the least qualified.

Sam's hair looks like a shitty houseplant stretching for some sun

Gadzooks he is ugly

Cave-Art Garfunkel

Who is that alpha in the middle?

an unfunny faggot

I'm guessing he's made that same face plenty while staring nose length from boy ass.

Careful, any mention of "nose length" is considered a hate crime against his people.

One of those? Oh, then he's definitely a kid toucher.

Jims getting fat again. look at that loose shirt. it screams insecurity. 6 more months and he’ll be 30lbs heavier.

Seriously who is the faggot in the middle?

Crow Mags didn't look like that , he's a Neaderthal Hybrid version 9 . The ancients spoke of these creatures , please , don't muddy the waters , this is a scientific sub .

cro magnons are what modern humans are, stupid