At 31:18, Kreischer says he pays Anthony's CPM sub fee, but doesn't listen/never listened to the show.

7  2019-07-01 by Doc_McCoyXYZ


He's a stupid cunt for being him and for giving money to a pedophile but he makes a good point here. The whole idea of a podcast is that it's as easy if not more than radio and if I can't get it from my regular podcast app then blow me, faggot.

You should hear him desperately struggle to say anything positive about Jim & Sam show. Oh did he wander out onto a minefield on that one.

Then he took his shirt off and took some shots of vodka. Fucking one trick shit head.

Technically that is two tricks.

It’s like Bert’s standup. It exists. He gets paid for it. But no one listens. If they did, they’d stop paying.