
21  2019-06-30 by Nick_1989


Who be this faggot ?

Louis C Gay

Why not Louis B Gay dude

Steve Hofstetter, he’s a jerkoff

His names Steve hoffstetter. I saw him at a college I went to and he was really fuckin hacky

Is this the homo that puts up fake YouTube videos of him confronting "hecklers"? Yeah that dudes a fag and his pre-determined comebacks are weak as fuck.

He has 227 videos of him "owning hecklers". Sad.

Nice plants in the audience, dummy.

VAT DUZ DAT MEAN? DAT DUH JEWS RUN THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY? Oiiii Veiiiii! A real racist and a pain in my tuchus!


He’s pretty clearly Jewish with that face and type of ginger.

I get a small amount of enjoyment from when I click on a YT link here and I see I've already previously downvoted it

Don't forget Ginger Jew Rat

He had no problem with Antifa brutally attacking an Asian conservative journalist, either. Fucking piece of shit.