I don’t know why or how I’m on this sub,

0  2019-06-29 by carrols827

But I saw some of the posts and the insults are so creative I had to join. Who are all these people that everyone here hates, and why?



Everyone hates carrols827 because he makes posts like this.

I’m hated for a lot more than that

Show us your shit pipe.

Shut up, stupid.

Nice creativity, stupid.

Nice stupid, stupid.

Stupid stupid, stupid.

Stupid nice, stupid

Stupid stupid, nice.

Hey Carroll.

Joe tells us you squirt.

You don’t want any part of this. I recommend Sci-Fi as an alternative.

Wait, no....best to forget all of this.

Carrolllllll, that was all we had left!

I wasn’t sure if this was some faggot trying to be ironic and checked his post history. You couldn’t have a more unfortunate name and randomly stumble on this sub.

Yeah I figured carrol held significance since it’s been alluded to multiple times

If you think the rest of reddit is insufferable, then this is the place for you my friend.

Did you stick around?

Of course, this sub only gets better

Here in England, we have an animal called a 'hedgehog', you should insert one into ur anus.

Good day sir.

We have hedgehogs in America, too, you dumb braggart lobsterback.

well, I've already told you what to do with one. You alzheimers patient.

Don't speak to your betters that way you chinless Anglo pussy.

I like that people attack you for being a neo nazi. Neo nazis are gay as fuck, but not as gay as the people crying about them.

Post some pics of your sister

Linger longer. Oh wait, you can't because that fat junky with juggalo skin locked the old sub.

Theres documentaries about this. Google anthony cumias demented world.

This is a place of welcoming and inclusion. And you need to just get the hell out of here.

The virus is still spreading!