90 people? Capacity is 270. So 2/3 empty.

46  2019-06-29 by Jim_Stancil


Looks like the entire subscriber base showed up. Not bad!

probably all comped aswell

Some guy posted yesterday with a screen cap of him still being able to buy a substantial block of seats a half hour or so before the show. They must have just let people in for free at a certain point to make money by selling food and drink.

The autism of this post is great.

If only he and the rest of the autists here used their powers for more useful things like solving murders and curing cancer.

solving murders

Patton Oswalt will be brought to justice, pal.

And a 1/3 of that is probably friends and family.

1/2 of the other 1/3 are pedophiles.

Card carrying?


Their pedophilia taken out of context, often.

But they were able to unload their entire stockpile of cheap beer.

They had to dump it to make room for Ant’s crate of sharpies.

Where would 180 more people go in there?

The bathroom fits at least 16 guys and Joe.

I was thinking of going, but only to yell Feed Nana

Luckily for you, Compound Media is going to be around for a long time and so will these insanely packed events.

There's a glass half empty and a glass half full.

Pretty obvious which one this is brothaman.

This is spitting into a glass until it looks 1/3 full.

I looked around twitter yesterday when that pic was posted, and Fred and other Compound people started posting pics. Indeed, a lot of those seat are filled with Compound workers and their family. Anthony brought some behind the scenes people. The poker crew showed up. A few oddballs from Eastside Dave's thing.

There is no buzz on that show, I saw maybe 5-6 genuine posts of real people who were sad they couldn't be there, or happy they were.

My guess is Anthony bought a ton of tickets yesterday or a few days before when Brennan started talking about it, and handed them out.

It must be soul-crushing for Cumia to look out on 90 zilches (at least half of whom he paid or begged to be there) and pretend that it's on a par with the fm days when they'd do live events with audiences of thousands. No wonder he's drinking himself to death.

We know of at least one person who went just to take a picture of the crowd

Weren't tickets $25? That's $2,250. Each comedian had to have made less than $100.

Pretty sure they were paid in exposure

Yeah, they each went in to the closet one by one, single file with Louis after the show

Funny thought but Louis wouldn’t show up for this abortion of a show. They couldn’t even get Jackie the jokeman.

They didn’t strictly enforce the Yonder pouches for this event?

Hahaha can you imagine

What a shitshow. The only regrettable thing is that none of us were there to get a video of Anthony's abysmal performance

i think you missed one in the left side under the rectangular light.

What software did you use to do that?
