Governor's Has A Seating Capacity of 270. This Looks Maybe 40% Full -

19  2019-06-29 by Sternacthegreat


You add in the comp'ed tickets, food, Drinks, etc...., and it's just sad.

I wish we had an insider. We will never know.

Live stream you heckling/getting kicked out yelling "Cumia is a pedophile!! Look up Beige Frequency!!!!"

Don't doxx me, bro!


Look at all those old bald heads... is this an AARP seminar?

looks packed to me, chum. i dont see one empty seat. it seems that the collective delusion in this subreddit is actually impairing your vision, pal.

truly a sad state of affairs, folks. the cumias win again! also, opie is an active pedophile

It does look pretty full. Don't let ichise be the voice of accuracy.

listen pal, im merely a truthsayer. thats all i am. this subs hatred of ant is feminine as opposed to masculine. this is why the opie bit started, a delusion that by ballwashing opie they would hurt ant. much like some guys daughter fucking a nigger to try to hurt her father. this is a support group where people feed each others womanly delusions and hope someone doesnt point it out.

its so bad that they can look at a full room and say its empty. heed this warning, chum. also, opie is an active pedophile

If only there was a visual representation of Opie’s pedophilia

oh dont get me started, pal

Look here pal, your act is wearing thin pal

no act here, fella. merely the truth. the truth doesnt wear thin, chum. know what im sayin?

also, opie is an active pedophile

Ichise's commitment to continuing the hate of Opie and his subsequent descent into madness over it is the only funny part of the Opie love faggotry.

Is Nana doing stand up? Good for her.

You can instantly recognize the fat silhouette of Fred from Brooklyn. Diabetic pig.

This looks like it went fine for them