"Hey lay off Joe Cumia. It's okay for grown men to receive allowances."

57  2019-06-28 by smashthafunk


Two reasons I don’t want white immigrants either.

they're not really white.

We haven’t reached the day of the rope yet.

they are white when it suits them and not when it doesn't

Some of us have this weird thing we do in order to get allowances, it's called being useful to society in some kind of way and receiving money for it

But yeah, you're right, that's just silly, money should be free

And all the free BIG sandwiches and red gatorade a man could want.

And he got the (disgusting, dried-up) girl! 🐮

At least Joe Cumia has a modicum of comedic ability

Yeah I'd rather take Joe over the jew or fat one.

The one on the left is like 34. Absolutely sickening

Dats ageism babe!

Tsss a jizzum babe

I got shit on by someone here and I clicked on his profile and he had a hundred posts on /r/Cumtown and I felt better about myself.

You don’t like when nick starts singing something and he immediately sings the same thing bu more awkwardly ?

I used to dislike Adam the most on their podcast, now I think he's ok and I hate Stav with a passion. He's utterly useless.

Absolutely. He makes Sam looks competent, compelling, hilarious, and his laugh a manly, guttural guffaw.

Stavybaby on the motherfucking ones and twos

Yeah, Adam isn't too bad even though he constantly sounds like he's half asleep. He's not that funny but he's actually able to go with a bit and he's good for being made fun of.

Stav just fucking says inane shit, has a terrible laugh, and always tries to redirect the conversation back to whining about racism or some other woke bullshit he reads on twitter.

Hey so when was the last time you guys ate pussy? Hahahahahahahahahaha yeah I did just now, it was your girlfriend. I got a small dick and big haunches boys hahahahahahahahahaha.

"Did you just give me some mild diet advice? I hurt my foot and had an argument with my dad!"

You're a bad friend, dude.

Looks like you've got what it takes to earn $200k/year. Do you happen to know an autistic midget who is actually funny?

though he constantly sounds like he's half asleep a homosexual.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Adam has a lazy faggot voice.

Really? Because I used to find Stav's laugh annoying, but once I got used to it Adam became the most annoying one. He brings nothing to the table: he can't riff at all, doesn't write anything for the show in his time off, doesn't even pay attention half the time; and worst of all is the way he keeps killing bits. Oh, and claiming other people's work as his own.

Seriously, listen to any Cumtown bit on YouTube, and notice how it stops being funny once Adam starts talking.

Stav'slaugh is the most annoying thing ever, I listened in spite of him. I've never liked it, but I started hating it more as time went on. It's mainly because he laughs at every single thing that comes out of Nick's mouth, and that's not an exaggeration. Nick says anything and Stav cackled like a retard. I can't get used to it when I notice that.

I had a fat friend in high school who laughed much the same way, so I guess I'm kind of inoculated to it.

100% hated Adam and loved stav until I realized stav is quite literally retarded. At least Adam can take a joke at his expense.

hea hea hea, right right right. Can I get an advance on my monthly $2000 Nick? They kicked me out of Costco for eating too many free samples.”

Can I get an advance on my monthly $1500 Nick?

They make 15 times that much. Each.


What’s with the hate brothaman? Leave it alone.


This is the Frank Stallone bit. Retarded Jimmy Fallon and even more retarded, fat Bob Kelly.