Reminder:Anthony Cumia pretends to be conservative despite being a degenerate in the following ways

35  2019-06-27 by ElFaporino

Biting women

creep pictures of whores

beating retards

hanging out with sex offenders

grooming underage girls

losing his ability to own weapons

supporting his leech brother for his entire life

banging a retards sisters


Sounds like he fits right in

He jerked off with his cousin's panties on his face.

Then made her sit on his lap and touched her inappropriately while he told her about it on a live broadcast.

He's an online conservative. He comments on internet stories as a "conservative" but he doesn't live his actual life as one. He doesn't really care about "law and order", fiscal and personal responsibility or any real conservative principles, he just enjoys "owning libs" on his computer.

yuup, those goddamn libs are such degenerates, but he gets wasted and ripped on pills and beats up a retard (who he got drunk)

Anthony's retarded "belief system" isn't rooted in "conservatism" at all. It's more of a meme and racism-based post-modern ironic cynicism where everything is a big goof and his youth is idealized and romanticized as a time when "everything was so much better". Anthony doesn't care about "politics" at all, at least not in any way that has any sort of tangible impact on his life, he just likes to make snarky quips to generate "likes" and stoke his own narcissism.

Wasn't he vaguely anti-Bush back in the day as well?

He was very pro war though, as was Jim. Jim went overseas to perform for the troops and acts like he did a tour in Iraq.

beating retards

Bobo deserved that beating.

It’s the one thing Ant has done that I appreciate.

didn't he smoke crack with his mom?

No idiot it was freebase!

Most "conservatives" seem like degenerates who are just too scared to own their degeneracy.

For the love of god, don't forget his vibrating egg!

He's not a conservative nor a libertarian. He's a puffed and reckless libertine.

sounds like Roy Moore and Gingrich

Ants more like Roy Cohn

He bought a mentally I'll boy tit implants in exchange for the boy fucking ant in his ass

Nice I'llness, stupid

Ronnie B said it best: It's not that you are conservative, you just hate liberals.

Bingo. He has no real thoughts or overarching beliefs other than if libs like it he hates it. It’s why he shit on Alex Jones for years but as soon as mr gay frogs went agains the libs Anth was butt buddies with him.

nana is an idiot who thought hitting the radio lotto made him a pundit with a unique take the world just had to hear

Most of us felt the same way back in their hayday.

Right wingers are all sexually repressed degenerates. They just don’t want other people to do anything fun.