Cumia’s place if Opie hadn’t saved them:

66  2019-06-27 by UnclePaulsSoul


I bet Jen wanted that stupid shitty frame picture

That mess had been there for so long the Bud Light logo was redesigned in the middle of it

That's impressive

Anthony would shit in a spackle bucket when he installed HVAC systems.

How many ceilings do you think he would have fallen through by now if he still did HVAC?

Sweet TV

You are missing Joes child spit collection and cow bell

You could hide a lot of child-sized bodies under that.

Would you believe some people who live like this actually get pissed if you had the nerve to move some garbage from one pile to another without putting it back when you're done?

Worst people imaginable. I'd rather deal with a heroin junkie.

Weird how that Hoarders bumper that u/theblueawning put together gradually became true. Anybody know if it's posted anywhere? Crystal fucking ball.

If you’re going to drink that much, why not just drink regular Bud?

So you can drink a case at a time.

Drink regular Bud like some kind of alcoholic?

Opie really is the paternalistic white charity that taught African Anthony how to fish. Unfortunately for Anthony, he drank his brain to mush and forgot all of Great White Bwana's lessons.


He never owned a vacuum