Not one tweet in 13hours

14  2019-06-26 by LittleTonyDevito

Is Antwan dead ?


I'm sorry you have to find out this way, but yes.

Ant not tweeting for half a day is like the guy that comes in to Dominos at the exact same time each day getting a welfare check for now showing up.

Sprawled facedown in his backyard next to his stupid dinosaur statue hopefully.

I hope the dildo is still vibrating when they find him

it's an egg, he isn't a queer or nothing, get it right

Hard enough to drag his body around and piss off the coroner.

He’s back.

You forgot an 'l'.

The fuck is 'backl"?

keith is gonna have to provide proof of life again lmao

Probably took a Xanax, forgot he took a Xanax and took another Xanax.

They're busy getting the band back together. Rebranded. Jon Bovi