Dante Alighieri said the deepest part of hell was reserved for "the most evil of all sinners—the Traitors to their Benefactors"

26  2019-06-24 by turk_january

Here in the Fourth Ring of the Ninth Circle of Hell, at the utter bottom, Dante comes to the end of his hierarchy of sins and thus completes the catalogue of evil that dominates and defines Inferno. Although Inferno explores most explicitly the theme of divine retribution and justice, the poem’s unrelenting descriptions, categorizations, and analysis of sin makes human evil its fundamental subject. The positioning of fraud as the worst of sins helps us to define evil: fraud, more than any other crime, acts contrary to God’s greatest gift to mankind—love. A deed’s degree of wickedness thus depends on the degree to which it opposes love. So-called ordinary fraud only breaks the natural bonds of trust and love that form between men; other categories of fraud reach an even greater depth of evil because they break an additional bond of love. Of these, frauds against kin, country, and guests constitute the lighter end of the scale, for they violate only socially obligated bonds—our culture expects us to love our family and our homeland and to be a good host. But fraud against a benefactor constitutes the worst fraud of all, according to Dante, for it violates a love that is purely voluntary, a love that most resembles God’s love for us. Correspondingly, one who betrays one’s benefactor comes closest to betraying God directly. Thus, the ultimate sinner, Judas Iscariot, was a man who betrayed both simultaneously, for his benefactor was Jesus Christ.

The Western Literary Cannon tells you to hate Jim Norton.


"The traders to their benefactors"

So you mean, the ones that DON'T venerate the entrepreneur?

Nice Renaissance poet, stupid.

It was the Middle Ages, actually.

Holy Joe you're right.

This was actually an interesting post, so I say this without malice:

Nice "canon," stupid.

That line was a reference to the talented comedian/radio host Nick Cannon, who is also very critical of Jim.