Paul F. Tompkins is an overweight fag with fucked up teeth

23  2019-06-24 by TheGhostOfAbeVigoda

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Is it true that Paul F. Tompkins wife dunks his head in the toilet after she takes her morning shit? Fucking despicable people.

I've heard that from 4 different people now.


One of his college friends said he used to call the cops whenever a black person was outside their dorm building

His name reminds me of that writer...

only known for his role as a gap-toothed fatassed satan in a forgotten movie from 15 years ago. mr. show could’ve redeemed him but he still sucks too much

He was on the first season of Bill Maher

Mr. Peanutbutter > your dog at its best day

bojack horseman is for stupid people that are too smart for rick and morty, but still fucking dumb as shit

Paul F Thompkin beat a 2 year old black girl to death and hid her body in a dumpster at the WTC. It's just what I heard.

I heard that too, from former president Barack Obama. He seemed pissed about it

I liked him on Mr. Show. Comedy bang bang is just complete faggotry all around. It’s basically “weekend Update but somehow less funny: the podcast”