…it’s half acting, half musicianship

65  2019-06-23 by ILoveWhores69


100% out of business

Still not sure. I really think Joe is trying to have a career behind our backs.

Joe may have applied to get a job at some point. But it was all show so he could say “hey baby brother! With all these purple haired libtards these already its actually hard finding work. Can you float me like $60,000 that ill most likely probably deff not gonna pay you back?

Joe Cumia is a pile of shit. He actually makes his little brother maintain him according to a childhood pact. That’s like trying to hold somebodies word for something they said while they were drunk or high

And knowing their childhood, it probably was just drunk talk

There was no pact, 🐜 was being bullied in his late 40s by his big brother

Incest gangbang crack binge.

Cum drunk talk.

They believe in a child's consent, it seems.

and half military precision

1/2 retard. 1/2 nigger

100% homo

EBG (expressive black guy) even seems to be in board with this interpretation.

even the KKK likes that dude.

but all wardrobe

Expressive Black Guy is having a whale of a time.

Well, we all know how flamboyant Joe's type tends to be.

Half Acting + Half Musicianship = All Faggotry

You could probably stop it at random and any screengrab would be worth a whole thread. God bless this dumb asshole's idiocy and the endless entertainment it provides.

Its all% as well!

Half assed acting, half assed musicianship

Joe fucking rambling on about being a racist Nazi in the KKK has got that white dude on the bottom right looking nervous as shit.

I never noticed traumatized white boi, just expressive black guy. Guess they all got starstruck by bovine joe charisma

Looks like someone might've had some ribs hurtin' that day...