“Keith. Set the egg to 10. Time to rant about my former cohost”

74  2019-06-23 by Spaceballsin3d


Imagine being so jealous of your former cohost’s Bavarian phenotype. It must suck to be too black for national socialism and too white to embrace your black roots.

Italians have no right to be racist towards any group

I have yet to meet a wop that realized the sopranos was mocking them. They all think it shows how cool they are.

At least Mexicans laugh when you tease them. Fucking Italians bitch when you even making a small joke at them. Italians haven’t done anything of importance since the Protestant Reformation

Italians are the worst. I'd rather be a faggy British documentary maker than Italian.

I'm half Italian and you and realestassdude's comments are on fucking point, 100% of my wop cousins/uncles etc. are thin-skinned, narcissistic and very stupid. I don't know why they take so much pride in being Italian. It's a collective narcissism thing within families where everyone just inflates each others' egos ad nauseum from a very young age. Shit's embarrassing.

I’m half German and even I have to admit I get the feeling to ruin the world every now and then as well as be a turbo autist. I commend you for your honesty fine sir

They do make those weird sport cars

As an Italian Jewish thing from long island I hate both Jews and Italians while enjoying the sopranos for its (((satirical look at Italian American “Culture”)))

1,488 kisses..

I love the Italians who have the wop flag on their car.

They’ve never been to Italy, and know 5 Italian words. Most take such pride in being Italian, yet know nothing about their culture. It’s hysterical.

Sicilians were spawned by niggers.

He’s definitely got the “blood of The Moor “ in em. Look at that Schnozz.

It looks liks an upside down cartoon cock.

He's got the same nose as Cosby

Keith, set phasers to stun. Then put the phaser up against my asshole and pull the trigger 5 times.

That background creates such a nice warm atmosphere in order to do a relaxed show

Do you think his shirts button ?

Only the paisley one.

He fucking loves it https://i.imgur.com/Myu9ZsX.png

If joevine had money or tranth liked joe he would buy him the same butthair implants they look like twins thoes cumia queens. Same love for dick too disgusting faggots.

Keith: Don't you mean egg timer?

AntH: I know what I said.

Hello fellow kids!