I'm in Fallout? Ha ha ha! Holy shit!

185  2019-06-23 by JosephCumia1959


Spoiler - Diamond City residents eventually lynch him for raping Piper's little sister.

I am the Alpha and Omega and the Nana.

Better hairline

Individually placed pixels!

Do you have to robot dlc? You could make a big dumb robot named Joe that follows you around.

Joe doesn't provide any value to Ant like that, he merely just takes from those around him

Dogmeat and Cogsworth are smarter than Joe.

A few shades too white but decent work.

He bought Pip-Boys for the Little Lamplight residents.

There are no children in the wasteland, child.

Last seen at little lamplight.

MacCready's revenge.

Vault 13 (the age he likes them)

Also where he keeps them

Nana face, Sam Roberts hair

If the hairline went back to his ears.

An inventory full of smoothskin crime stats

the only way to be called smooth skin in any given situation

Nana..... Nana never changes.


Looks like a Landau/Nana mashup

Piper's little sister better watch out.

You captured the pissy eyes and nigger hair perfectly.

Does anyone feed nana in that game?

He's a Synth who's programmed to think he's white but in a black mans body. Damn the institute what are they trying to accomplish?

This guy's genuinely more handsome than Ant.

Look at that full head of hair.

If you equip the vibrating egg, you can unlock dialogue options about super mutant crime statistics.



Not related but I'd totally fuck Piper