Opie and Anthony Midnight Chill Thread

0  2019-06-23 by ChristmasRibs

What are you guys up to? I'm very bored. Watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waiSew2gDik right now.

Doug Stanhope is growing on me. He's hilarious.


I’m just hitting the “back” button cause you’re gay.

I'm trying to start a trend here! No cursing in this thread either.

Dassabesso just chillin’ n fawkin’

I'm watching Joe Rogan and Bob Lazar. Joe is unbearably dumb and Bob Lazar is a weird liar

IHateKnickers used to ask us how our Saturday nights were going. You can assume the vast majority are intoxicated and alone.


Its past midnight, im about to go to bed, and im still severely hung over. The hangover just never went away. Never happened to me before

I'm an alcoholic also like most of anyone interested in Opie and Anthony. When I was younger hangovers would be a thing but never put much thought in it. After getting drunk over a thousand times I think your brain chemistry adapts to it in a negative way. Now a hangover is very terrible and can last a long time. I don't fully understand it. I know I'll be suffering a couple days after this weekend. Went 30 days sober and felt confident, better, etc.. then of course back to alcohol, missing work, feeling like hell. Hoping this next run will be permanent.

Playing Bloodstained and smoking a bowl. Might run one out in a bit, who knows?

i hate my life

and i hate you