Feminist Jim vs Incel Jim. Listen to the stark contrast & contradictions where he describes himself without realizing it.

18  2019-06-22 by RapistWithHIV


I'm fucking mystified this delusional faggot thinks he's a "type" to women. That women looking for older man/daddy energy are going to turn to a 5'3 mutant worm who's more of an effeminate diva than they are & sucked more cock than they have, it's just absolutely insane, well passed any Opie or Ant delusions.

You can actually hear his voice get quivery & insecure when he lies to himself out loud.

He is not even the type like Nana is where he is piece of shit that you date to be rebellious or piss off your parents. The girl’s parents shouldn’t be disappointed for the normal reasons, but because she picked a revolting pathetic loser.

I don't even know what parents would think if their daughter brought home a withered up Hans Moleman looking 5'3 worm with a salad & diva energy. Probably just think he's her gay faggot friend.

you'd have to strongly consider hanging yourself in the living room

“Hans Moleman” You got a nigga’s ribs hurting today.

You can hear his voice get quivery & insecure when he lies to himself out loud.

I like how his voice wavers and almost breaks down into sobbing when he's trying to defend his ego against Intern Dana's casual disgust towards him.

Norton wouldn't have gotten so butt hurt about being called a creep by that intern if he didn't know it was true. It really hurt him down to his soul, I guarantee he went home and cried.

lol but chip evolved.

But AA made him a better? kinder person. I can’t understand.