Google knows Joe's entire worth is tied to Ant. Working with outdated numbers for Nana though.

31  2019-06-22 by lawyerherelistenup


Google cant reach into obscurity. Its like trying to index onion pages

Girlfriend? Wife? Google doesn't know shit.

That's the best thing I've seen here in a while.

There's no way he's making 3 million a year.

How many former subscribers is he ripping off to get that?

Yeah, those numbers are so out of date.

He could barely afford 3k a year for Brennan.

What tipped you off? The article saying he still works on O&A?

3 people are paying a million a year

8 mill. Wife got half. Spent 4 on a 2 million $ mansion. Made half a mil per year at XM. Blew that as fast as it came in. Pays 50 grand in taxes, 12000 per year in talent, Keith steals another 30%. Now on the plus side, he has 4000 subs, 30 grand per month. Rents the studio for another 10 grand per month. Had apple stock before this all started. He current HAS a million. He is currently WORTH negative 1.5 million. What he never realized is that income goes away 10 times faster than bills. He’s tied up in a year lease, 20 years of a mortgage and has 5 useless sacks of shit on his payroll.

You sound like a man on the inside.

I’m only inside this sub. All of this info has been posted here at different times. I also just bought a house a few blocks from the compound on a much better property in a slightly nicer part of the town. I paid 9 for it and after demo and construction of a brand new 2020 model McMansion hope to get 2.7 for it. So I know nana blew it with his real estate choices.