Perhaps he's wondering why someone would motherfuck a man, before throwing him out of a plane

31  2019-06-22 by JosephCumia1959


Save some pussy for the rest of us

Dr. Pavel, I’m HIV

He's breathing vaporized tranny piss. Sick puppy

Remember when he made fun of Maxwell for having to wear a sleep apnea mask?

Nice sleep apnea mask, faggot!


"Red One, this is Brown Rimmer..."

Shortly before he publicly raged as to why a hot twenty two year old won’t date him.

People didn't care who I was both before and after putting on the mask.

How many MiG’s you shoot down last night?

Isn't sleep apnea one of those fake conditions fat people invented?

Jimmortan Joe

Jim’s nose looks lopsided, maybe he should get a nose job to help his breathing. Joe Rogan did it