FACT: Cumia and Norton would laugh at each others painfully unfunny horseshit, while totally ignoring Opie.

50  2019-06-22 by HomeRunCumia_Deux

Nice 10,000th Susan Smith reference, you talentless fucks.


Pete rose haircut with sars hahaha

Haha, AIDS!

I've noticed this listening to old stuff. Even if opie had an ok line they would deliberately dismiss it but fucking ham it up at each other's repetitive 50's references and baby noises.

Theory: ant enjoys chip because baby noises make his dick hard

"do do do doo" from Rocky. "Ha Ha Holy shit"

To be fair, Opie pretty much never said anything funny

If he thought he said something funny he'd immediately search the phones for someone that wanted to repeat his "gem" that was missed.

And Ant & Jimmy HAD to fake laugh at it, because Opie would start start to pout & mumble about how he had a 'solid line' that nobody got.

"But it's OK"


WITH YOUR FIST HAHAHAHAHA HO LEE SHIT HAHAHAHAHA /u/anthonycumiashow you fucking pedophile

4000th shoe-horned Terri Schiavo reference


I haven’t watched that shit in years but I assume the Chip Show is the same crap?

Yup. Except whatever open micer “Chip” is trying to fuck gets uncomfortable and he has to mention that Anthony is a scumbag.

when you laugh like this HAW HAW HAW, HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW. It’s fake and it’s forcing an issue, which Jim does constantly.

I hate Anthony and Jim but I'm not at a point yet when I'm going to pretend that they weren't funny together on the old show.

Why not? There's upvotes in it for you. UPVOTES. Changed your mind yet?

Nah, I'm alright

Shut up, stupid.

if you listen to a ramone compilation, you'll see opie actually was funny. he's a complete dick to guests and drives the calls.

Not to mention, without him, the other two would never have had the work ethic to have a show

That is what girls do when they want to exclude one from the group.

anything Jake Lamotta HOLEE SHIT