Alpha male

27  2019-06-22 by redditsipowillsuck


Don't tell anyone, but Nana always likes to have a couple Sea Breezes before bedtime. They help calm her Restless Leg Syndrome.

It's the fucking summer, enough with the two shirts.

Rasberry Emergen-c and vodka to help combat the ass aids.

It’s like an ad for self inflicted gun wounds.

Spontaneous fun right there


Nice Bartles & James in a mason jar, stupid

Needs an Italian version of that shirt. 'Back to Back Betrayer of Our Allies'.

Unapologetically Masculine

He wears the same shirts every fucking day. Fucking douchebag.

That’s terriiuuhhhbbbllee

Albino Tony Danzax

Unapologetically masculine.

Waxed arms and bleached anus


So masculine he should apologize, but we all know that’ll never happen.

Anthony Cumai is a chump