Tough Crowd was great. Also a wonderful example of Norton making the exact same jokes 16 years ago

18  2019-06-21 by TheRealJirnNorton


I don't get why people hate on dipaulo here, dude was fucking hilarious on tough crowd.

Nobody is saying Nick isn’t funny, his right wing shtick just got repetitive. The “hate” he gets on here is so mild.

He was more about being funny before everything in our culture became a political war

Back in the early 2000s he was like a funny racist uncle who didn't give a fuck about offending people. It was great

Since the Trump election, he became the uncle that's barely informed on politics but will still rail against democrats from what little info he got second-hand.

Like Nana, he's wasting his comedic ability to repeat right-wing talking points for no other reason than filling his empty life and justifying his anger

He sits for hours watching repetitive sanitized bullshit on cable news like any of it matters.

He was the best on Tough Crowd. A close second is Giraldo. Nick really shines when he has not just another person to bounce off, but someone who disagrees with him.

I agree with that order. Giraldo had the best prepared material though.


On Bob Kelly's podcast with Colin, talking about diets:

Bob: I'll be honest, I haven't lost anything.

Colin: I'll be honest too, I haven't lost anything either.

Bob: Yeah, well, except a TV show.

Pat is insufferable.

Also, Keith Robinson is only famous in the O&A universe. No one else has ever heard of him.

Pat Cooper rules. You should listen to the episode where it was both him and Patrice on at the same time.

I hate Jim Norton so much.