Here Is Opie’s Thursday Podcast In Which He Lies And Says He Neither Quit Nor Was Fired From Westwood One. Why Would He Not Want To Still Get Paid By Westwood One? He Is Still Doing The Same Podcast On His Own...

0  2019-06-20 by donandmikeshow


People think he was getting paid by Westwood One?

Yes, since his firing I have seen a few people explain how his agreement with WW1 probably worked. SaiyanZ even thought he was paid as much as close to a million dollars.

opie wasnt getting paid shit

why would you take SaiyanZ’s word on anything?

the mans a floor pisser

That made me laugh...

Those people are idiots. He wasn't making any money and Westwood One wasn't making any money which is why they agreed to go their separate ways. They had a revenue split deal and half of zero wasn't working out for anyone.

SaiyanZ? Wtf is that?

A mushmouth cocksucker

What is in between quitting and being fired?

Leaving it alone?